Audit Arizona Action

Monday, February 13, 2006



Extremely effective:

1) Personal contact (visit or phone call) from a constituent who volunteered or contributed to their campaign.
2) Personal contact (visit or phone call) from anyone who contributed or volunteered to their campaign.
3) Appearing at a local constituent meeting in a group to raise the issue.

Very effective:

4) Personal visit from a constituent or public testimony from a constituent.
5) Public testimony from an expert who is not a constituent.
6) Guest opinion in their local paper or a news event drawing attention to the issue in the local media.


7) Letter-to-the-editor in their local newspaper.
8) Personal phone call with a constituent.
9) Personal letter from a constituent.

Worth Trying:
10) Phone message or voice mail from a constituent.
11) Personal phone call with a non-constituent.
12) Personal letter from a non-constituent.

Better Than Nothing:
13) Mail a form letter.
14) Phone message or voice mail from a non-constituent.

The ideal grassroots plan involves realistically identifying resources and targeting their activities as high up the scale of effectiveness as possible.

It is not always possible to have the most effective impact. The whole concept of grassroots organizing is that you are growing from the ground up. Work with what people resources you do have and find ways to grow for the future.

Posted by Protect Democracy :: 12:03 AM ::